Dig & Discover: From the Archeological Excavation to the Museum (offered only as a weekend course)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the impressive world of Archeology and Cultural Management. Starting from the process of excavation, students will follow the journey of an object step by step, from the moment it is discovered until its exhibition in the museum. More specifically, students will carry out their own excavation and record, maintain and interpret their findings. Questions such as "What is an excavation?", "What does an archaeologist do?", "What follows the discovery of a finding?", "What is the purpose of a museum and how is a museum exhibition organized?" will be answered through interactive and fun activities.
Students will have the opportunity to examine significant archaeological treasures, in order to gain a broader knowledge of the history, the everyday life and the artwork of important civilizations of antiquity, such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman art. The young archaeologists will discover the secret treasures of museums and will organize their own museum exhibition. A number of debates and discussions on contemporary issues will take place, such as the return of the Parthenon marbles to Greece, whether the antiquities can be protected during a war, and how museums survive during an economic crisis.