Literature on Stage (offered only as a weekend course)
People felt the need to express themselves through theatre since almost the beginning of time and they still do now even more than ever. As the three times Pulitzer-prize winner Thornton Wilder once said, “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.
Students in this course will be introduced to some of the most inspiring aspects of drama analysis, interpretation, performance and playwriting. They will become readers, actors and actresses, directors, designers and playwrights. As readers, they will explore the work of various playwrights throughout history. As actors, actresses, directors and designers, they will delve into the various performance and directing approaches and work toward finding their own styles. Finally, they will produce their own original work in an attempt to find their own, original voice.