Numbers: Zero to Infinity
How can you calculate the height of my school? How can I design a map? How many ingredients will I need to make cookies for 7 people? Or maybe for 97? How tall is a person that is 5 feet tall? Students explore numbers, from the very small to the unimaginably large, and learn how numeric representations help to explain natural phenomena such as time, distance, and temperature. Moving beyond traditional arithmetic, this course centers on hands-on activities that develop understanding of the scope and scale of numbers.
Learning Objectives:
Explain, classify, and operate on different types of numbers, ranging from very small to very large numbers.
Solve problems and justify real-world solutions involving decimals, exponents, negative numbers, proportions, and ratios.
Utilize various measurement tools and techniques.
Apply strategies of rounding, estimating, and mental calculations to solve real-world problems.
Share and articulate ideas and solutions to problems, both written and orally, independently and in groups.