Foundations of Psychology
Can you measure happiness or anger? How do brain functions, our cognition, the environment and our personality interact to shape who we are? Can you gain all this knowledge in three weeks? Foundations of Psychology gives students the opportunity to establish connections between factors that determine our behavior and wellbeing. Students learn how to conduct research and gather data, in order to measure emotions, behaviors, and cognition. A holistic approach to human behavior is utilized, combining the understanding of how the brain, hormones and genetics influence behaviors, along with the impact of the environment. Experimentation, hands-on activities and role-play, as well as debates and heated discussions will provide students with a thorough understanding of the foundations of the most important fields of Psychology. The course also focuses on abnormal psychology, one of the areas that most students are especially interested in. Mental health disorders, their symptoms, causes and management are introduced from a critical point of view.
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge on research methods and biological psychology, such as brain anatomy, hormone regulation and genetics.
Experiment with memory and thinking games, to determine the role of cognition in behavior.
Critically assess the role of the environment on development and wellbeing.
Research and review mental health disorders, their causes and management.